com/books/ feeds/volumes? q=intitle% 3ADragon% 20Done% 20It%2Binauthor %3AEric% 20Flint& max-results= 20&start- index=1& min-viewability =none I'm not sure why the log show a mix of %2B and + but that doesn't seems to be the issue. com/books/ feeds/volumes? q=intitle% 3ADragon+ intitle% 3ADone+ intitle% 3AIt%2Binauthor %3AEric+ inauthor% 3AFlint& max-results= 20&start- index=1& min-viewability =none From the pop-up menu, click the “Send to Device” button and then choose the “Send to Main Memory” option.Https:/ /books. Select a book (or multiple books) and then right-click the selected eBook(s). Let’s now transfer eBooks to the Kindle’s memory. Once your Kindle is recognized by Calibre, you’ll see a new “On Device” column next to the book title column. In a second or two, Calibre will import the eBook and fetch related metadata, book details, and cover art.Ĭonnect your Kindle to your computer using a USB cable. To add eBooks to Calibre, simply drag the eBook into the Calibre window from wherever you have it saved on your computer. You can use both MOBI and ePub format eBooks. Now that you’ve opened the Calibre eBook management app on your Windows PC, Mac, or Linux computer, it’s time to add your downloaded books. RELATED: How to Backup Your Kindle Highlights and Notes How to Transfer Books to Kindle Using Calibre Click the “Finish” button to launch the Calibre app. Now, you have completed the Calibre setup. Once you’ve chosen your preferred location, click the “Next” button. If you plan to manage your entire eBook library using Calibre, we recommend you use a Dropbox or iCloud Drive folder to store your Calibre Library.

You can go with the default location or click the “Change” button to choose a different folder. The first step is to choose a location for your Calibre Library. After you’ve installed it, the Calibre Welcome Wizard will guide you through the setup process. Go to Calibre’s website to download the app. RELATED: What Is a MOBI File (and How Do I Open One)? Even if you have eBooks in the open ePub format, Calibre will convert the eBook for you before transferring it to your Kindle (as long as you’re using a DRM-free eBook). You don’t need to worry about downloading files in the MOBI format (which is Amazon Kindle’s default eBook format). The best part about Calibre is that it takes care of converting formats. The app is filled with pro-level features but is also easy to use if you want to do something simple like manage your eBook library or transfer eBooks between devices. It’s available on Windows, Mac, and Linux. We’ll be using the free and open-source eBook management app Calibre.