Android launcher for windows 10 pc
Android launcher for windows 10 pc

android launcher for windows 10 pc

If you have an Android tablet to which you cannot install the modified Recovery nor do you have access to the boot system to be able to install RemixOS, a project that is discontinued but that we still can download and install on laptops and a few privileged tablets, then this post is designed for you, and without the need to flash anything at all, we will change the appearance of our tablet with Android operating system so that it resembles the Windows 10 desktop system. One of the things in which we can still consider that the Android operating system is quite green when looking at it with its most direct competition, is the handicap of not having its own user interface adjusted for use in Tablets, this is why in large part the great success that the appearance of the Android based OS with the name RemixOS It offers us a user experience of the purest desktop operating system adapted to Android tablets.

Android launcher for windows 10 pc